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North Arkansas Fly Fishers

Mountain Home, AR

Fly Fishing Community/Education/Conservation

HomeSowbug Seminars
2024 Sowbug Logo

Workshops, Seminars, and Demonstrations

Interesting and timely topics presented by local, national and international instructors. Topics include fly fishing strategies and techniques, where to go, what to throw, conservation and more.

Thursday March 27th, 2025 Seminars

10:30 am

John Berry

When Where and How To Fish Our Local Rivers
Let John Berry, a legendary local guide, tell you when, where and how to fish the White and Norfork Rivers. Whether wading or in a boat, he will tell you what you need to know.

John Berry, a long time fly fishing guide in Cotter, Arkansas is a life member of the Fly Fishers International and the Mid South Fly Fishers and is a member of the North Arkansas Fly Fishers, and Trout Unlimited. He teaches fly fishing for Arkansas State University and has also taught at other colleges and groups such as State Technical Institute in Memphis Tennessee and Mississippi County Community College. He has presented seminars for the Federation of Fly Fishers, the Ducks Unlimited Great Outdoors Festival, the Sowbug Round Up, Becoming an Outdoors Woman, Casting for Recovery, Fly Fishing Clubs and corporate groups throughout the region. John is a fly fishing columnist for the Baxter Bulletin and wrote a substantial portion of Home Waters, a local fishing guide published by the Mid South Fly Fishers. He has written for several sporting journals such as Drake. He currently serves as the Chairman of the Sowbug Roundup fly tying contest. John was awarded the Charles E. Brooks Memorial Lifetime Award by the Fly Fishers International. Recently he has been featured in the book, The Guides Speak.

1:00 pm

How to Target Browns on the White River

A great presentation from one of our local experts - How to fish for large browns on the White River changes with the seasons. Chad will share four tactics that will help you chase brown trout on our world famous White River all year long!


Chad "Mississippi" Johnson is a native of Crystal Springs, MS.  His love for fly fishing began after he first visited the area in the Spring of 2003. Chad moved into the White River area in July 2006. He has guided the White River system since 2007. He has also guided out of Rocky River Lodge in Port Graham, Alaska in 2007 & 2010, for both Salmon & Dollie Varden seasons.


With persistence & hard work, Chad has accomplished more than he could ever imagine.  He has been featured in several magazine publications such as Gray’s Sporting Journal, Eastern Fly Fishing, American Angler, Fly Fisherman, & Outdoor Life.  He has also been featured in book such as “Nymph Masters: Fly Fishing Secrets from Expert Anglers” & “Feeding Time: A Fly Fisher’s Guide to What, Where & When Trout Eat” both by Jason Randall & “Strip-Set: Fly-Fishing Techniques; Tactics & Patterns for Streamers” by George Daniels; "The Hunt for Giant Trout" by Landon Mayer; "Modern Streamers for Trophy Trout II" by Kelly Galloup and Largemouth Bass Flies by Drew Chicone.


He is a Simms Pro, RIO pro, Costa Del Mar Pro, Shawnee/Supreme/Predator pro staffer. 


As the Head Guide for Dally’s Ozark Fly Fisher, Chad guides more than 200 days a year and is widely acknowledged as one of the best streamer guides in the country by high-profile streamer gurus like Blane Chocklett and Kelly Galloup. He is a fly designer and an innovative and award-winning fly tyer who is sought after for his outstanding fly-tying demonstrations. 


Chad’s laid-back Mississippi accent and style make him a crowd favorite everywhere he goes.


"Bottom line is there’s no better place to be than in the boat with a customer sharing this sport. I love my job! I had no idea that my move from Mississippi would land me on such a fast track to such an awesome fly-fishing career. Thanks to all of the support of the fly heads out there." - Chad Johnson

2:30 pm


Christy Graham

Arkansas Trout Waters

AGFC Trout Management Program 

During her presentation, Christy will update attendees on the current status of the AGFC Trout Management Program. Highlights will include an overview of the program activities in 2023 and 2024 and the current status of the plan to revisit the statewide Trout Management Plan.

Christy Graham is the Trout Management Program Supervisor for the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission (AGFC).  Christy has been with AGFC for almost 14 years and has spent her entire career in the Trout Management Program.  Prior to being supervisor, she was one of two assistant biologists in the program.  Her primary responsibility as the supervisor is to oversee all trout management activities in the state.  

Friday March 28th, 2025 Seminars

9:30 am

Tim Flagler Tying

Tim Flagler

Tightline Video

Tightline Video


Tim presentation will include discussions on equipment, flies, on the water strategies and techniques needed for euronymphing.

Tim Flagler is the owner of Tightline Productions, L.L.C., a video production company located in Califon, NJ. Although he produces video programs over a wide range of topics, his specialty is fly fishing. Tim is a well-known fly tying instructor. His YouTube videos are some of the best in the business and his YouTube channel, currently has over 118,000 subscribers and 38 million views. Almost every week he produces a new fly tying or “how to” video which appear not only on his YouTube channel but on Midcurrent and the Orvis News fly fishing blog as well. They’re also featured on Trout Unlimited’s national website and in the Orvis Learning Center. In addition, he has a regular column “Beginner’s Masterclass with Tim Flagler” in Fly Tyer magazine, which selected Tim as their “Fly Tyer of the Year”  in their Winter 2022 issue. Many of Tim’s tying videos take the viewer well beyond just the tying of the fly and show what it looks like underwater, what natural it represents and how it can be fished.


Tim’s a fixture at the Fly Fishing Shows - giving presentations, teaching classes and often as a Featured Tier. He does monthly “Tie-Off’s” with Tom Rosenbauer (Orvis) and, recently, Cheech Pierce (Fly Fish Food) as well. He enjoys guiding year round for South Branch Outfitters (formerly Shannon’s Fly & Tackle)in Califon, NJ and hosts annual trips to Patagonia in the spring and to the Kootenai River in MT in the summer. He has also started hosting several trips within the year to Spruce Creek, PA and to the Erie area for steelhead in early December.



11:00 am

Tyler Stephens

Tyler Stephens

Native Fish Coalition

Native Fish Coalition

TYLER STEPHENS grew up in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Growing up, Tyler spent most of his free time wade fishing the rivers and creeks around home. He never grew out of it, and now shares his love of the outdoors with as many people as he can. Several years ago Tyler helped bring The Mayfly Project to Fayetteville, which was a great way to teach foster children about conservation. Tyler has taught his family about the environment as well, which he refers to as one of his greatest thrills. He is very excited to be helping to bring NFC to Arkansas to further advance conservation in the area. As Tyler says, if we don’t step in to protect our wild native fish, who will? Tyler can be reached at

Tyler will talk about:

What riparian zones are and the importance of them. Importance of keeping them/trying to restore what has been removed.


Native fish that live in our tail waters and their importance.


Fly fishing opportunities for native species throughout the state. A lot of people think of trout fishing when they think of Arkansas, but we have a huge diversity in species! 

1:00 pm

Fly Fishing Tailwaters

Pat’s classroom/home water is the highly technical waters of the Cheesman Canyon section of the South Platte River in Colorado. His over 30 years of experience successfully fishing these technical waters makes him the world’s foremost tailwater fly-fishing expert – what flies, equipment and techniques to use to fool very wise fish!


For more than 30 years, master fly-fishing guide Pat Dorsey has been helping anglers of all ages and skill levels discover the joy of fly-fishing Colorado’s legendary tailwaters. Pat is co-owner and head guide of the Blue Quill Angler Fly Shop in Evergreen, CO. His professional fishing experience and knowledge of the local water set him apart from other guides. He’s proud to be sponsored by many fine fly-fishing equipment and apparel companies, including Simms, Sage, Whiting, Orvis and more. He’s also a signature fly designer for Umpqua Featger Merchants. As a fishing guide, Dorsey not only knows the waters of Colorado better than almost anyone, but he’s also an expert when it comes to the equipment you’ll need. Beginners will get the right tackle and flies to get them off to a running start, while seasoned anglers will have their skills and abilities pushed to the next level by Dorsey’s talent and passion.

Along with being an expert fly fisherman, Pat is also a great author and teacher, evident by the valuable information, tips, and techniques to improve your skills he shares in his books and instructional DVD’s. Pat’s books are Tying and Fishing Tailwater Flies, Colorado Guide Flies, Fly Fishing Tailwaters, Fly Fishing Guide to the South Platte River, and Favorite Flies for Colorado and his DVD Nymphing Strategies.

Pat, his wife Kim, and their five children make their home in Denver, Colorado, just a short drive from Evergreen.


1:00 pm

Class is limited to the first 10 students

Sign up at the Berry Brother's Guide Service vendor table

Bring your own rod, 9' 5wt suggested. There will be rods available for those who need one.

Pat Dorsey brown trout

Lori Sloas

Intermediate Casting Instruction

This class is designed for the fly caster who wants to fine tune their existing cast and correct any troublesome faults.

Lori is one of a handful of female fly-fishing guides in the United States. Lori has an extensive background in counseling and corporate training that gives her a unique perspective that she uses in leading her popular ladies fly-fishing classes. Lori is an intuitive instructor who quickly brings her students to ease. A natural caster, Lori brings intensity to the stream that produces fish for clients in the most adverse conditions. A lifelong angler she now devotes her efforts to fly-fishing, teaching as well as designing fly- fishing programs. She is a popular instructor that has presented seminars for the Federation of Fly Fishers, the Ducks Unlimited Great Outdoors Festival, the Sowbug Round Up, Becoming an Outdoors Woman, Casting for Recovery, Fly Fishing Clubs and corporate groups throughout the region. She was Outreach Chair at the Federation of Fly Fishers Southern Council Conclave in 2005 and has taught fly fishing at Arkansas State University at Mountain Home for the last ten years. She is a member of the North Arkansas Fly Fishers, the Damsel Fly Fishers and is a life member of the Mid South Fly Fishers and the Federation of Fly Fishers. She was the Federation of Fly Fishers Southern Council’s Woman of the Year in 2006 and Federation of the Fly Fishers Southern Council’s Outreach speaker in 2013 and was International Federation of Fly Fishers Southern Council’s Woman of the Year for 2015. She was featured on the television show, Adventure Guides, on the Versus network (previously known as OLN).   She was the cover story in Living Well magazine. She was featured in Garden and Gun magazine in the December/January 2015 issue as one of the top ten guides in the South. She was featured as a fly fishing guide in the March 2018 Arkansas Life magazine and was a featured writer in the February/March edition of Marvelous Magazine.

Saturday March 29th, 2025 Seminars

9:30 am

Euronymphing Principles for Non-Euronymphers

Steve was raised on Australia’s island state of Tasmania, in Aussie fly-fishing terms the equivalent of being raised in Montana. In his late 20s he grasped a fly rod, and an obsession was born. He cut his teeth on the challenging wild brown trout and rainbows of Tasmania’s wilderness lakes and streams before moving to the US in December 2000. Steve’s fly-fishing experience includes writing, photography, running fly shops, and guiding. Eventually he landed in Cotter, AR running Dally’s Ozark Angler Fly Shop and guiding on the world-famous White River. He started the Streamer Lovefest, an annual streamer fly event in January, and most recently Dally’s All Species Odyssey event.

Despite a serious and extensive fly-fishing resume, Steve’s laid-back Aussie accent and attitude, sense of humor and self-deprecating wit are appreciated by beginners and experienced fly fishers alike. His mantra is that fly fishing is meant to be fun whether you are catching the biggest fish of your life, tangling around the rod tip and everything in between.

Steve has put together a unique presentation that discusses the techniques needed to succesfully deploy Euronymph techniques with your current 5 wt rod and line. So before you invest in a specialty euronymphing rod and line, come see Steve's presentation and get a "top-secret" method for a "competitive advantage" with your current equipment!

10:00 am

Class is limited to the first 10 students

Sign up at the Berry Brother's Guide Service vendor table

Bring your own rod, 9' 5wt suggested. There will be rods available for those who need one.

Beginning Casting Instruction

This class is designed for beginner to novice casters. A simplified approach to fly casting to enable students to make a basic cast. I will explain forming loops, tailing loops and how to avoid them, and the importance of stopping the rod. Will also talk about fly rod selection.  

Lori is one of a handful of female fly-fishing guides in the United States. Lori has an extensive background in counseling and corporate training that gives her a unique perspective that she uses in leading her popular ladies fly-fishing classes. Lori is an intuitive instructor who quickly brings her students to ease. A natural caster, Lori brings intensity to the stream that produces fish for clients in the most adverse conditions. A lifelong angler she now devotes her efforts to fly-fishing, teaching as well as designing fly- fishing programs. She is a popular instructor that has presented seminars for the Federation of Fly Fishers, the Ducks Unlimited Great Outdoors Festival, the Sowbug Round Up, Becoming an Outdoors Woman, Casting for Recovery, Fly Fishing Clubs and corporate groups throughout the region. She was Outreach Chair at the Federation of Fly Fishers Southern Council Conclave in 2005 and has taught fly fishing at Arkansas State University at Mountain Home for the last ten years. She is a member of the North Arkansas Fly Fishers, the Damsel Fly Fishers and is a life member of the Mid South Fly Fishers and the Federation of Fly Fishers. She was the Federation of Fly Fishers Southern Council’s Woman of the Year in 2006 and Federation of the Fly Fishers Southern Council’s Outreach speaker in 2013 and was International Federation of Fly Fishers Southern Council’s Woman of the Year for 2015. She was featured on the television show, Adventure Guides, on the Versus network (previously known as OLN).   She was the cover story in Living Well magazine. She was featured in Garden and Gun magazine in the December/January 2015 issue as one of the top ten guides in the South. She was featured as a fly fishing guide in the March 2018 Arkansas Life magazine and was a featured writer in the February/March edition of Marvelous Magazine.

11:00 am

New Age Soft Hackles

Brian Wise is the guy behind the famous YouTube channel “Fly Fishing the Ozarks” and he has guided on the North Fork of the White River in Missouri for 2 decades and specializes in streamer fishing for large, predatory brown trout.


Fly fishing is not just a hobby for Brian, it is a way of life. He loves every aspect of this wonderful sport, the river, the fish, and the feeling of peace. When he’s not on the river, he is tying flies or reading everything he can to help my fishing.

Brian has put together an excellent materials based presentation where he will demonstrate and discuss the use of new materials and techniques to tie soft hackles flies! A classic fly with a modern twist.