The 2025 Sowbug Roundup Tyer Schedule
Over 100 tyers from 20 states over 6 Sessions
One of the most enjoyable things to do at the Sowbug Roundup is to sit and visit with the tyers, discuss techniques and fly design!
Information for Fly Tyers ONLY:
For those that indicated they will attend the tyers party on Wednesday evening, the site is the same as last year, American Legion Hall, 717 Market Street, Mountain Home, AR 72653.
Tyers packets will be available at that time. Please remember to have three flies ready for donation.
Morning sessions are 9:00am to Noon, please be cleared out by 12:30pm if not tying an afternoon session, Afternoon sessions are 1:00 to 4:00pm, setup starting at 12:30pm
Unfortunately, not everyone got all the sessions they requested. As in the past, we have more tyers than spots to tie so if you are not scheduled, do not take a seat and allow those scheduled their time. IF a table is open 1/2 hour after scheduled (9:30 am and 1:30pm), then you may take the empty seat, but do not keep your equipment to 'hold' a table if not scheduled. I will ask you to leave, be courteous of other tyers. We had issues last year with some tyers trying to
stay set up when they were not scheduled.